A Week In My Shoes: With Podiatrist and TWH Co-Founder Elouise

This month Ele and I thought we would share with you what shoes we wear in a week and how we manage to still wear our favourite heels comfortably and sensibly! As I sit here attempting to collate what I have worn, I have realised that as a working mother of 3 boys the number of hats and shoe changes I made required the juggling skills of a Cirque du Soleil artist. Like all mothers, in this crazy paced world our skills need to be exceptional in many areas as we attempt to raise decent well rounded happy human beings. All while managing to work, be a wife and hopefully get some time to do something that makes us happy. So muscle up as I cathartically vent and walk you through my week that has been.  

The back story to my life is  that I have 3 gorgeous and hyperactive boys aged 9, 10 and 12. In addition to The Well-Heeled I work as a clinical podiatrist. I adore cooking and love shoes even more. My husband is a highly accomplished podiatrist who dreams of being a stonemason restoring a historic sandstone building. Not sure where this has come from but I have a feeling it’s the Winston Churchill biographies he’s read. Let’s not try to analyse this too much… it could be disturbing!

Anyway mornings in our house are frantic to say the least. I typically have my army sergeant hat on and probably sound more like a fish wife as I attempt to get the boys dressed, fed, make school lunches, pack bags and the like. Oh and probably reminding at least one of them to pack their assignment that they’ve left on the kitchen bench.  

Shoes: Archie thongs are my morning choice. Not exactly chic but they are comfortable and have some arch support for last minute running down the stairs to the clothesline to retrieve sports uniforms that are required for that day.  In an alternate dimension my boys would have all packed their bags the night before. Just saying! As podiatrists we are always advising our patients to avoid being barefoot around the house and so you will rarely catch me without these on. They’re like Havaianas but with support. 

My day involves consulting with patients about their various foot-related issues. I spend the day either sitting at a desk, crouched down on the floor or standing to assess biomechanics. The majority of my time is spent sitting though.

Shoes:  I wear a mixture of heels or flats to work depending on my outfit. I love the look on my new patients faces when they see me in a high heel as they assume that as podiatrists we would shun the use of dress footwear. Not so!  I have my eye on these pretties for work at the moment – 

Marni Ball Heel Mules

The midi heel will ensure forefoot comfort and the strap around the heel will assist with keeping the shoe on.  The deep enclosed upper is really on trend at the moment!

Afternoons and evenings involve transporting the boys to various sporting commitments, homework, cooking, counselling and cleaning. I’m not alone in saying that the endless washing required with clothing school-aged children is ridiculous. It was easier when they were in nappies!

After dinner I try to get some stretching in (particularly of my calves) before settling in for some much needed Netflix time.  

And that’s the gist of an average week-day. Weekends are a little different, usually with dinners and events on. Last weekend I offered to cater for my lovely friend G’s 40th birthday. Texan BBQ was the theme and we had a bevy of southern fare sufficient enough to satisfy the hungriest cowboy. This was first course –

Shoes: Boots of course! I’d love to say I was wearing these Dolce and Gabbana’s (2004) but R.M Williams were the answer for my catering requirements.

Well that was last week in my shoes. I can’t wait to hear about Ele’s! Leave us a comment and let us know what a week in your shoes looks like! 

Until next time,


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