Getting Stylish for Success – with Izabela Nair

This week on the TWH Blog we’re so thrilled to be introducing a new series of interviews with remarkable women around the world. Not only are these women stylish shoe lovers, they are also making a difference to the lives of others through their work. Introducing our first guest – the wonderful Izabela Nair, Izabela is a UK-based certified personal brand and style coach, and the brains behind Her Style Hive. Through HSH, Izabela helps women uncover their true style and inner confidence, for business and life success. We had the pleasure of asking Izabela a few questions about her journey, her views on personal style, business and shoes (of course!)…

As a style coach, do you have a go-to pair of heels, which you find look great on every woman?

I truly believe that every woman should own a pair of nude heels. Nude is definitely a new black. Nude heels not only go well with everything but they also create a streamlined effect to make your legs look miles long. What more do you need?

Describe your own personal style in 3 words

Classic, colourful, polished

Have you ever had a shoe disaster or embarrassing shoe moment? How did you deal with it? 

One day when I was in a rush to get to work, the heel of my shoe got stuck in the crevice of the sidewalk. It got totally scuffed. As I had lots of meetings planned and didn’t have a spare pair of shoes under my desk, I decided to use a marker pen to colour the marks.  I have to say it did the trick.

Do you have a favourite shoe hack of your own?

The boots season is about to start in many parts of the world. As you should clean boots at the end of each wear, I recommend using a shoe brush to remove dust and dirt. Winter salt stains can be easily removed, too. Just mix equal parts of white vinegar and water. Apply the mixture with a soft cloth.

What is your dream shoe?

I’d love a pair of Christian Louboutin’s Pigalle 100.


What is your top tip for women who lack confidence in their personal style?

If you struggle to define your personal style, do some brainstorming. Think about 3 words that describe who you would like to be seen as. What 3 words are authentic to you? How would you like people to see you? For example, you may want to be bold, creative and smart. Or maybe you want to be seen as classy, sophisticated and timeless. It all depends on what you like and who you aspire to be. There are no limits. It’s all about you.

What are three things a confident, stylish woman should never leave the house without?

A great accessory, mascara and smile. That last one is so important.

Do you have a favourite business resource (eg book, blog or podcast)?

The list is so long as I’m obsessed with personal development. One of my favourite podcasts is Goal Digger by Jenna Kutcher. It’s a great source of information on online marketing.


Tell us about your journey as a style blogger turned coach?

If you had met me many years ago, you would have met a very insecure person. For years, I struggled with my weight, which was fluctuating and making me feel miserable. I had tried many crash diets only to experience a yo-yo effect as soon as I started eating normally. On top of that, a negative committee in my head was constantly telling me I was not pretty and good enough to achieve what I wanted. I was afraid to try new things because I was convinced I would not succeed. “Why bother if I am going to fail” used to be my motto.

Despite my love for fashion and dream to become a blogger, I had a hard time getting out there. When I initially launched my blog, the fear of being judged stopped me from promoting my work. I was shy to get in front of the camera and tell others what I do. As I was size 14, I thought everyone would laugh at me.

After spending a lot of time on personal development, I made the decision to re-launch my online space and pursue my passion. My budget for clothes was limited but that didn’t stop me from developing my signature look aka bold colours and patterns and showing up on social media. I embraced my curves and didn’t let my weight stop me from doing what I love.

Through blogging I had met many women like my old self – women who listened to their inner mean girl and let them sabotage their lives; women who coveted outfit ideas on Pinterest but didn’t have the courage to experiment with clothes.

As it was heartbreaking, I made it my mission to help women uncover their inner beauty and confidence through style.

What is your vision for Her Style Hive?

I want to create a community to empower women to dress with confidence, feel fabulous in their own skin and create lives they desire. Stylists are not only for the rich and famous. The best gift you can give yourself is to get crystal clear on who you are and to work with someone who can help you align your style with your message.

What can our readers look out for your next step?

I’m in the process of launching my YouTube channel where you will find all types of videos ranging from quick style tips and tricks to information on how you can transform your wardrobe and mindset to reflect the true you.

In the meantime, you can follow me on Instagram for updates  

Thanks so much Izabela for being our first guest on TWH blog and for the wonderful information you shared. If you want to see more of Izabela check out her links below:

Her Style Hive Website:




Until next time,


All images courtesy of Izabela Nair, Her Style Hive 

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